Wednesday, December 29, 2010

“How can I be strong in my faith?”

Here are recent questions and comments from anonymous bloggers. I ask our student bloggers who are looking for things to do while they slumber at home (!) to help and answer the third question. C’mon, you all know how to help answer the person’s question, “How can I be strong in my faith?” Please leave your specific suggestions asap.

1)"A question....for the people that have demonic does this happen? I have been told you have to "invite" this to happen. We allow this by participating in various games and movies. So my question does this happen to people.”

The best thing to do, Anon, is to read Fr. Euteneur’s book, “Exorcism and the Church Miitant”. He goes through all of the scenarios on how demonic possession happens to people. Here is a partial answer to your question:

“In general, the devil or any demon has not power to possess or enter a person who lives in a state of grace…Demonic evil can only operate on a person with the consent of the human will. There are two exceptions to this general rule. One is when God in His Providence allows a person in a state of grace to be afflicted by a demon…The other exception to the rule is when an innocent person becomes the victim of a satanic curse or witchcraft of some sort” (pp.36-37).

“Aside from true victimization, the ‘standard’ way the devil possesses people is through a process of subtle and perverse invitations to gain the person’s free consent. There is no inadvertent possession. Demons usually come in through some sort of acquiescence of the human will” (p.42).

“There are three main reasons why someone who confesses the Name of Jesus may have a demon. First, Christians can be slothful in their practice of the faith or vulnerable to demons through unrepentant and unconfessed sin. Christ cannot fully protect even His followers who do not invoke His protection consciously. Second, the Lord allows Christians to suffer in this way to ‘test’ or ‘prove’ them in the fires of adversity. The devil is most effective in offering that kind of spiritual testing, and sometimes it comes as internal obsessions rather than merely external forms of persecution. Third, ‘God wishes to give us a true knowledge and understanding of ourselves’ and show us how impossible it is to advance in His service without the aid of His grace.

“Some have wondered how it is possible for the devil to inhabit a body which St. Paul says is the ‘temple of the Holy Spirit.’ It would seem that God and Belial cannot exist in the same place at the same time. But an unclean spirit may enter and inhabit a body in the same way that sin may enter and stain a soul: by the human will, which gives permission for its entrance. Or to use an analogy: a demon may enter a body in the same way a Satanist may enter a church building; either through a deliberate wicked action or a free invitation. The mere fact of God’s Presence in a place does not prohibit the action and activity of human or spiritual evil though a place may be sacred” (pp.108-109).

2) “I think it's SUBconscious, not UNconscious. : )”

This was a comment from my homily on the 3rd Sunday of Advent. I was thinking that, too, Anon, when I read the following line from Fr. Benedict Groeschel, a priest and a psychologist, in his book, Courage to be Chaste: “Dreams are experiences which permit the unconscious to rise to the surface of the mind” (p.94). Webster’s dictionary does say that the unconscious is the “part of the mind containing the psychic material of which the ego is unaware”.

3) “I was away from the Catholic church for about 2-3 years and would like to know how I can be strong in my faith?”

My post, “Five Fundamentals of a Firm Faith” (10/5/10), should help on a general level. And, bloggers will offer specific ways to be strong in your faith…(I hope).


Christina said...

Well, after coming back from a similar hiatus from the Church that three things will be the biggest help.

1) Pray every day. In his first letter to the Thessalonians, St. Paul says "pray without ceasing", and he's right. Talk to God every day, and you should get on the right track.

2) Receive the Eucharist as often as possible. Because we believe the Eucharist is the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ, it contains enormous amounts of grace. This grace can only help you as you strive to live out the faith.

3) Go back to Confession. While it might be daunting to confess your sins to a priest, he can help you not only by absolving those sins, but by helping you to deal with them personally, if necessary. And Confession isn't just about the actual confession, it's also the perfect way to start again spiritually.

I hope this can be of some use to you, as it was tremendously helpful for me. Remember that you're not alone in this! God is with you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Christina,

I have already begun 1 and 2 and then realized I needed to do number 3 so I have that lined up to do this week or early next week depending upon the availabilty of the priest.

I went to adoration at St. John Neumann after 3 years and it felt wonderful!

I am really excited to be back.

Thanks again for your help!

Catholic girl

Anonymous said...

Fr. Greg,

I read the post from October and it was awesome!

I would like to thank you for all the help and patience you have given me over the last few years.

Take care,

Catholic girl aka hockey lover

Anonymous said...

Attend Adoration, even if it's only for a portion of time. Sometimes it's easier to hear Christ in a still and silent environment.

Liesl said...

Daily Mass!!! (and along with that, receiving the Eucharist daily!). Such an amazing way to really learn and get back into the faith. From personal experience, I can say that starting to attend daily Mass as often as possible has had a profound effect on my faith life - increasing my prayer life, improving how I treat and see other people, reorganizing my priorities, etc. etc. Daily Mass is AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

The Eucharist: The source and summit of our faith, Jesus Christ fully present, Heaven meets earth. What could be better?

Anonymous said...

Yep, remain humble...

Un- vs. Sub- conscious:
When used as a noun, [not an adjective, as I was using it,]the word unconscious is correct.

You learn something new everyday!