Wednesday, November 03, 2010

"Power of the priesthood"

Last night, we had an excellent discussion on the "Power of the Priesthood".  Many students and I viewed the amazing video on the priesthood, "Fishers of Men" (parts 1 and 2 are below).  I then shared stories of mine and other priests of blessings, exorcisms, miracles, healings, and intense moments with the sacraments. The discussion usually goes no more than an hour.  The students asked questions about the priesthood and my journey to it well past the hour mark!

The main point was that priests today have the same power that Christ had 2000 years ago.  We readily acknowledge Christ's power to drive out demons and perform miracles from the Gospel stories.  But, do we believe that our local priest of Jesus Christ has the same power??

1 comment:

Father Jay Toborowsky said...

>>>The main point was that priests today have the same power that Christ had 2000 years ago.<<<

...Plus, the Jedi mind trick. Or is that supposed to be a secret? ;-)