Tuesday, June 04, 2013

"Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist"

Many thanks to Dan Grossano who sent me a message on the feast of Corpus Christi about a book and presentation, "Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist" by Dr. Brant Pitre.  As Dan recommended this to me, I recommend it to you (kinda what we heard from St. Paul in the second reading on Sunday..."I handed on what I received"!).  As Dan said, "I was just listening to his presentation about it and it is dynamite. It would be well worth your time and can be found here: http://www.theholyeucharist.com/".

When you click on the link above, you can listen to or watch the presentation by clicking on the audio file or video file (under the download section as it appears below).  Understanding the Jewish roots of the Eucharist truly helps us to appreciate the richness and depth of the greatest treasure on earth.


Download Dr. Pitre's presentation in MP4 or MP3 format by clicking the links below:

MP4 - Video file that can be played across computers and mobile devices.
*iPhone Tip* The MP4 can be added to your iTunes video library then synced onto the iPhone, iPod & iPad.
MP3 - Audio file that can be played across computers and most mobile devices.

Audio File - MP3 format - 65 MB
Video File - MP4 format - 385 MB
Text Outline - PDF format - 1 MB

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