One of our juniors, Joe McHenry, is abroad in Costa Rico for the semester. Many of our GW Catholic juniors are abroad; we miss them all terribly! But, we are very happy for them and the rich experiences they are enjoying. Joe is keeping a travel blog. Please click here to view. Here is a recent post of his on humility which reveals a deep desire for this beautiful and necessary virtue in the Christian life. I was just preaching on humility yesterday! Thanks, Joe.
On Humility
This week, I began reading a biography
of Saint Dominic, a 13th century Spanish priest and the founder of the Order of
Preachers, also known simply as Dominicans. I have had the opportunity in
Washington to spend some time with the Dominicans at their priory and was left
impressed by the level of both their intellectual and spiritual fervor. St.
Dominic founded the order with the idea that the friars would be men of study,
and that they would utilize that knowledge to preach the Gospel for the
salvation of souls. St. Dominic lived during a time when heresies threatened the
Church, and his order of preachers sought to defend the Church as the true
institution founded by Christ. Now, some 800 years later, the Dominican mission
is no less necessary in light of our morally relative and increasingly atheistic
culture; a culture that no longer wishes only to reject God, but one that seeks
altogether eliminate religion from society.

He lived in the world in such a way that his presence was
known only through the good works God wrought through him. Surely, he would view
it as a success that today he is not as well known as other saints, such as his
contemporary Francis of Assisi. A description in the biography says:
Scarcely one ray falls on Dominic's cappa, yet so pure and holy is he that this little light is in itself a brilliant witness. The light is hidden because the man of God is far from the noise and blood of the battle; because, faithful to his mission, he opens his mouth only to bless, his heart to pray, and his hand to work for love; and because virtue, when it stands alone, is lit only by the light of God.
Many of us do virtuous
deeds. But the truly humble person does them for God alone. Even when we act to
relieve someone's suffering or hunger, we are doing so for the Lord, whether or
not we are cognizant of it. The truly humble person does not shy away from
warranted acclaim by pretending their deeds or contributions are not valuable.
Rather, a person filled with humility flees from accolades by always
acknowledging that God is the giver of all talents and abilities. How foolish it
is to accept recognition for things for which I was created to achieve. We see
this more clearly if we consider nature. Nobody congratulates the Sun on its
rising or its setting. Never will you hear someone applaud a tree on its growth.
All rational humans, even if they deny God, have a general sense that these
things are natural actions. So too are our commendable actions natural, in that
they are the actions for which God created us. Our thanks, therefore, should go
to the Creator.
It is by pride that we set ourselves up for great
falls. In humility, however, we can shield ourselves in the immensity of God. A
humble person need not promote themselves because they are sufficiently
satisfied in being pleasing to the eyes of God. Saint Dominic's example is one
in which I try to imitate daily but fail at hourly. One of my evening prayers,
which I took from a longer litany of humility, is a good one to reflect on:
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire that others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should.
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