Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Must-read list for GW Catholics

To supplement the reading list I posted earlier in the summer, here is a list of great books from a GW Catholic junior.  He not only suggests solid literary works, he also provides a helpful, concise synopsis of each.  The following books are for reading for the end of the summer, during the school year (a little each day), or for the rest of your life!
As Catholics experience a secular campus at GWU, many of them face a culture that conflicts with our values and curriculums that challenges the very heart of our faith. As a result, GW Catholics are often interested in deepening their personal faith and learning more about God and Catholicism. Whether you are looking to intellectualize your faith, feel closer to God through your reading, or are simply looking for some wholesome books to read, this is the must-read list for GW Catholics!

Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo

Years ago, an Evangelical Minister’s small child almost died of appendicitis. Months after his recovery, the child began sharing stories about what happened during his surgery. These stories included encounters with Jesus and 100% Biblically accurate accounts of Heaven. Written in a light-hearted tone that captures the innocence of a child’s view of his faith, this is a powerful testimony for those wondering what lays beyond this life.  

Life After Death: The Evidence by Dinesh D’Souza

Deceased atheist intellectual Christopher Hitchens once said that D’Souza is one of the most effective spokespeople for Christianity, and readers around the world seem to agree. D’Souza has written multiple #1 New York Times Bestsellers on American politics and religion. While Heaven is for Real takes a fairly simplistic view toward heaven, D’Souza relies completely on science, philosophy, and other academic realms to explain the existence of Heaven.

What’s So Great About Christianity by Dinesh D’Souza

This #1 NY Times Bestselling book is the most powerful weapon for Catholics as they engage in debates about Catholicism. D’Souza debunks common myths about the history of Christianity, goes through all of Christianity’s contributions to humanity, and outlines philosophical and scientific arguments for the existence of God. Every Catholic who wants to grow deeper in the intellectual side of their faith should read this book.

Rome Sweet Home by Scott and Kimberly Hahn

This book is the story of the conversion of Scott and Kimberly Hahn, two former Presbyterians, who chose to switch to Catholicism. This book makes the spiritual argument for Catholicism and is written by a brilliant scriptural scholar and his wife. This book is perfect for Catholics who want to know why their faith is special, and what the differences are between Catholics and other faiths.

Mere Christianity by CS Lewis

CS Lewis is one of Catholicism’s greatest contemporary minds. Once an Atheist, he discovered through personal experience that our universe and our personal lives are dependent on a supernatural – our Catholic God. Before his death, Lewis wrote multiple masterpieces about Christianity, Catholicism, and the human spirit. This book is full of philosophical explanations for God and is a guide to knowing what all Christians believe.

How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul by Jason and Crystalina Evert

This book is referred to as,“The Book” by many GW Catholic women. It is a must-read book about how to live out your faith and find a partner who can help you to become the person you truly are. Rather than settle, you can find a soulmate, and this book tells you how.

The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis

This devotional book is the most widely-read devotional book apart from the Bible. It is focused on taking an inner look at oneself and developing an outlook that mimics Christ and can bring you closer to Him.

Unplanned by Abby Johnson

This is a favorite of Pro-Lifers. Abby Johnson is a former Planned Parenthood clinic director who quit from America’s largest abortion provider after her heart and mind realized the atrocity that is abortion. She talks about the deception that goes on at Planned Parenthood and how destructive the abortion business is for women. Her firsthand analysis is a valuable tool for the pro-life movement.

Come, Be My Light by Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was one of the most powerful voices for Christ during the 20th Century. Come, Be My Light is a collection of her personal spiritual writings. As we all strive to imitate her faith, this book is a treasure that can teach us how to imitate her miraculous life and share her thirst for Christ.

John Paul II and the New Evangelization by Ralph Martin and Peter Williamson

Catholic writers comment on Pope John Paul’s message to spread the Gospel throughout the world. This book is a compelling guide to spreading Christ’s message on campus and throughout our community.

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