The most frequent question that people ask me is, “why?”
“Why does the Church teach (this or that)?” is up there. But, mainly it’s, “why is God allowing (this
or that)?” Why does God allow death or
anything bad? We are celebrating All
Souls Day, and praying for all those who have died. But, why did God allow them to die? These are all tough questions, and the Church
does not claim to have all the answers.
But, when it comes to death, tonight’s readings give some help to
formulate answers.
My first funeral as a priest was for a baby who was
two weeks out of the womb. How do you
talk to that family? They are a devout,
Catholic family, but they asked, “why?...why is God allowing this, Father?” I listened to them and cried with them. I later responded to them by saying that when
I ask why, I look at a crucifix. Why did
God allow His own son to die? If we look
at why we call the day He died “Good Friday”, we can again arrive at an answer. We call it “Good” because of the good that
came out of it: our salvation and redemption, of course. But, and this is what we hear in the readings
tonight, resurrection is what comes out of Christ’s death. In other words, we call it Good Friday because
of Easter Sunday.
In general, the Church teaches that God allows bad
things to happen in order to bring good out of them. In fact, it’s a greater
good. Think about Christ’s suffering and
death: as bad as it all was, the good that God brought out of it was even
greater. That greater good was resurrection.
The second reading (Romans 6:3-9) says, “we know that Christ, raised from the
dead, dies no more; death no longer has power over him”. In
His resurrection, Christ conquered death!
He has power over all things, including death. To get a fuller sense of the magnitude of
this, imagine if you’re at a funeral. The
casket is in the front of the Church, and the person has been dead for 3-4
days. Imagine the person getting out of
the casket, and walking around….alive!
That is resurrection. That’s what
happened with Christ, and I’m sure it freaked the people out like it would
freak us out at a funeral. In fact, even
more so: no one had ever risen from the dead before Christ. That’s what happened with Him: His body was
dead, and then it was alive.
That’s what can happen for us: “if, then, we have died with
Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him”. And, the Lord says in the Gospel (Jn 6:37-40),
“everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I
shall raise him on the last day”. If we
live and die in Christ, we shall rise with Christ. So, God allows death, as bad as it is, so
that something greater can come out of it which is resurrection and eternal
life. In short, we have to go through
death to get to Heaven.
But, what about suffering in this life? Why does God allow that? Every person in this Church is probably
thinking that right now about a particular situation in our lives. Again, He is allowing it to bring about a
greater good. I count fourteen things in
the first reading (Wis 3:1-9) that are good coming out of bad…fourteen “goods”. Granted, half of them refer to life after
death. But, listen to some of these
things attributed to “the just”…by the way, any reference to a “just man” in
the Old Testament is an indirect reference to Christ…He is the just man, and
the “just” are those who follow Him. “The
souls of the just are in the hand of God (awesome!), and no torment shall touch
them…in peace…immortality…worthy…shine…judge nations…understand truth…grace and
The reading describes that they (we) are “chastised a little…God tried
them…as gold in the furnace”. Sometimes,
God tests us with suffering. He is
trying us, and refining us as gold is refined in the furnace. Two things about this: one, if you are
suffering, you being Christ-like. God
allowed Christ to suffer because He of His trust and love for him. “God chastises those He loves”, we hear in
the Book of Judith. Two, the good things
I just mention are immeasurably valuable.
You may not want to be like gold in the furnace; you may not want to be
made stronger or better through fire or
heat (one of the qualities of fire is that it purifies), you may just want to
chill and have a normal situation. But, “God’s
ways are not our ways”. And, the good
that comes out of suffering is profound.
We had a speaker at Newman last Tuesday who has suffered much in his
life: Vietnam veteran and recent widower, with much suffering in between. He had so much wisdom, it was
incredible. He was dropping “knowledge
bombs” everywhere. Through his
suffering, he has been able to better “understand truth”. If you are suffering, good will come out of
it. Trust me.
Finally, tonight is like a funeral Mass for all the
faithful who have died. At every funeral
Mass, I preach about one of the greatest teachings of the Catholic Church: the
Communion of Saints. The Communion of Saints
refers to the interaction between the saints in Heaven and the saints on
Earth. It happens at every Mass,
including every funeral Mass. In a few
minutes, I will consecrate bread and wine into the Body, Blood, Soul, and
Divinity of Jesus Christ, the Son of God .
Where there is the Son, there is the Father and the Spirit, and all the
angels and saints. The Eucharist is
where Heaven and Earth unite. This
Church will be like a chamber of Heaven.
We won’t see the saints, but we believe that they will be here. Baby Ikesi and all those you know who have
died who are among the saints in Heaven will be here. This is where the saints on Earth and in
Heaven unite: the Communion of Saints.
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