Hello, GW students! I’m Fr. Greg, the chaplain of the Newman Center . This site is a forum for GW students to ask ANY (appropriate) questions about the Catholic faith, related or unrelated to my posts. All comments have to meet my approval before they are posted. I'm sorry for the approval process and I thank you for your patience and understanding. Thanks, and may you know the peace of Christ!
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Man gets mugged, turns the other cheek
I saw this story on tickld.com yesterday. Talking about turning the other cheek (which I was on Sunday night)!!
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
Homily - "Make room for dessert"
Click HERE to listen to Sunday's homily.
A friend of mine asked me to visit her in the hospital
this weekend. I told her I would try,
but that it was an extremely busy weekend, and I couldn’t promise anything. Her last message to me (we played phone tag)
was, “I know you’re busy saying all those Masses”. Do Catholics really think that all priests do
is say Mass! I guess so because that’s
all that most of them see us do. So, let
me go through the weekend I had…it was busy, and not just saying Mass.
I took students out to Outback Friday night, a
tradition we started years ago after our Alternative Spring Break trip. We always joke about fasting for a couple of
days so we can enjoy the feast of Blooming Onion, dinner, and dessert….and to
expand our stomachs to make more room.
After that, I met up with a grad student for a late-night drink. We talked about faith, God’s Will, and vocation. It was awesome. Woke up early Saturday morning to celebrate
Mass and Holy Hour which I do every day.
Then, had two meetings for spiritual direction. Went down the road to celebrate a baptism;
the baby cried the whole time! That was
a quick baptism. Visited people in the
hospital – first Sibley and then Georgetown.
Came back to Newman, heard confessions, then went out with a student to
a parish in Maryland to take up a collection for this year’s spring break
trip. Brought the student back to
campus, then went back out to Maryland to hear confessions for 2 hours at a
women’s retreat. Returned to campus
around 11:30 pm. 15 hour day which is
pretty typical in the priesthood…but not always with all the back and
forth. Woke up at 6:45 this morning
which was ridiculous (!). Went back out
to the parish to continue the collection with two other students, came back to
two more appointments, confessions, and now hear for tonight’s Masses. So, yeah, priesthood is a bit more than
saying Masses!
I really just wanted to let you know what priests
do, and don’t know if your priests back home have ever done that. I didn’t intend to tie this into the
readings, but there was a part of this that relates. On Friday afternoon when the hospital visit
calls came in, I basically said to the Lord, ‘my weekend is packed, Lord. My plate is full. I can’t do these visits’. What came back to me was pretty much, ‘make
room’. Like, the equivalent of ‘leave
room for dessert’. This ties in to the
readings because to love as God loves – to be holy as God is holy or to be perfect
as our heavenly Father is perfect – is to expand our hearts to love more.
Jesus gives us many examples of how to love as God
loves and to be perfect as God is perfect, including love your enemies. We might feel like our plate of love is
full. We love people who love us. God is saying tonight to make room for
dessert. Make room in your hearts to
love your enemies. Expand your hearts,
expand your love, expand your charity.
This is very hard to do, and so if we start to live this, then we start
to believe that we are actually being perfect as the Father is perfect. God loves those who love Him and those who
hate Him. “He makes his sun rise on the
bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust”.
The examples from the Gospel are telling us to show
love in ways that people haven’t seen before.
Love your enemies, turn the other cheek, give your cloak, go the extra
mile, and give to those who ask. Let’s
take “turn the other cheek” and see what that means to you right now. Fr. Robert Barron in the “Catholicism” video
series analyzes what “turn the other cheek” means and uses famous examples of
people who responded to violence with non-violence: Gandhi, Martin Luther King,
and Pope John Paul II. His main point was that turn the other cheek adds a
third option in reaction to violence. We
are used to the other two: fight or
flight. Turn the other cheek means to
stand your ground and to effect a change in the one bringing violence. Really, it means to turn the other one. To turn the other from violence to
non-violence, from hate to love, from lies to truth. He gives specific, creative examples
involving Bishop Tutu in South Africa and Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa brought a starving child to a
bakery, and asked the baker for some bread for the kid. The baker violently spat in her face. She turned the other cheek, and said, “thank
you for that gift for me. Now, how about
something for the child”. On campus
here, it might happen during class when a professor attacks the Church in the
middle of a lecture (which happens more often than I would have thought). Turning the other cheek might mean to raise your hand during class
and say, “that’s not true” and why. One
GW Catholic did that (and the professor apologized to the class), and another
went to a professor after class. In friendships, turning the other cheek might
involve fraternal correction when you correct someone in love for something
they did or said. The basic point is, “don’t
do this to me again”.
Finally, the best example of all of loving as the Father
loves is the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.
He loved his enemies; he gave his life for those who were killing
him! He turned the other cheek, gave his
cloak, and went the extra mile….for all of us.
We remember this in the Eucharist at Mass, and ask the Lord to give us
the grace to love as God loves and to expand our hearts. That, in one way this
week, we will love our enemies, be holy as God is holy, and be perfect as our
heavenly Father is perfect.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
"Gossip is very ugly!”
Vatican City, February 17, 2014 (Zenit.org) -
2) FROM TODAY's 1st Reading (James 1:19-27) at Mass:
Know this, my dear brothers and sisters:
everyone should be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger
for anger does not accomplish
the righteousness of God...
If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue
but deceives his heart, his religion is vain.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
"The Catholic Guy Show"
"Have you heard of the Catholic guy? I've never heard so much smack from anyone besides you! Hilarious".
This was a text I received from a good friend last week. "Smack" must have been a spell check error on her phone. "Smart stuff" is probably what she meant to write...
I actually had not heard of "The Catholic Guy". This show is pretty funny. Check out some of the podcasts HERE.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Homily - "In search of the eternal buzz"
Click HERE to listen to Sunday's homily.
Tonight, I’d like to do a little Q & A with
you. Don’t worry, I won’t be asking you
the questions. This isn’t Confirmation,
and I’m not the bishop! These are questions I’ve been asked repeatedly here at
GW the past five years. And, they relate
to tonight’s readings. This will be
intense because the readings are intense.
First question, how can we reconcile God’s omniscience with our free
will? If God knows all things and knows
what we will choose in the future, then our choices are not really free. If we’re really free, then God doesn’t know
what we will choose in the future. How
do we reconcile all of this? I found a
good answer online from a Dominican, Father Serpa. He says: “There is nothing to reconcile.
Because you know that the sun will be in the sky tomorrow doesn’t mean that you
will have caused it to be there! Even though God already knows what our free
choices will be in the future, our choices are still ours and are still free.
If our free choices change how the future will be, God already knows that and
has known it for all eternity.” I think
of parents who know culturally what’s going on…maybe not all-knowing, but
knowing. They raise their kids to make
the right choices. By the time their
kids leave home, they pretty much know what bad they choose, good or bad. Just because they might know, their kids
still make free choices. Just because
God knows what we choose doesn’t take away from our freedom.
Second question…well, more of a comment. Jesus talks about divorce in tonight’s Gospel
(Mt 5:17-37). I know many of you are
children of divorced parents. You have
experienced many wounds and hurt. I want
to make myself available for you to talk about it. You probably still have a lot of questions. There are many misconceptions about divorce,
divorced Catholics, and annulments. You
probably heard the words of our Lord tonight with a particular attention; maybe
it prompted more questions. My door is open
to help tackle your questions or just to talk.
Third question: how can an all-loving, all-merciful
God send anyone to Hell? He doesn’t. Hell is a choice. Heaven is a choice. We hear much about choice in tonight’s first
reading (Sir 15:15-20). “Before man (male and female) are life and death, good
and evil, whichever he chooses shall be given him”. Pope John Paul II said that “hell is not a
punishment imposed by God. It is the
natural consequence of an unrepentant sinner’s choice against God”. You all know people who are choosing against
God. You are hoping and praying that
their choice will not hold up until their death. The key word is unrepentant which means that
they have no desire to change. If that holds
up until death, well, that’s what we’re talking about. I know people who have told me they are
choosing hell over heaven. Hell is a
lack of heaven just like evil is a lack of good or cold is a lack of heat (as
we’ve experienced much in the past few weeks here). It means being away from God, what’s good,
and others. I think Hell is
loneliness. Some people choose to be
alone rather than with others.
Anytime we choose mortal sin, we choose Hell. Jesus gives a few examples of that in tonight’s
Gospel - sins caused by the eye or hand can lead to Gehenna (Hell). But, in general, hell is a result of free
will, and ultimately, God’s love. God
has created us to choose Heaven…to choose life…to choose love. But, He won’t force us. Love can’t be forced; it has to be
chosen. If God intervened to keep people
out of Hell, then it wouldn’t be love and we wouldn’t be free. We really are free…to choose Heaven or
Hell. If all this talk about Hell is
scaring you, well, that’s what Confession is for. Confession keeps us out of Hell.
Fourth question, and more positive: what is Heaven
like? I love this quote from Isaiah to which
St. Paul refers in the second reading: “eye
has not seen, ear has not heard…what God has prepared for those who love him”. In other words, we cannot fathom how
awesome Heaven will be! I like to think
of Heaven as the greatest party or event we’ve been to. Maybe all your friends or family are
there. It’s not too crazy, just a really
good time. And, it lasts forever. That’s Heaven. There are no regrets…no hangover…no last call…no
closing time. (Can you tell that I worked
in a bar in college?!). Heaven is an
eternal buzz!
Finally, when you come here, you choose Heaven. It’s amazing how committed you are to Heaven
by coming to Mass every Sunday…in college.
It’s so inspiring / heroic...keep it
up! And, when you specifically come to
the Eucharist, you choose Heaven. Christ
Himself says that “whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life”. I’d like to close with a quote from St.
Therese of Lisieux (it’s more of a poem):
Bread, Heavenly Bread, Eucharist Divine
O Sacred Mystery! founded on Love's play...
Jesus, my white Host, come in this heart of mine
If only for today.
O Sacred Mystery! founded on Love's play...
Jesus, my white Host, come in this heart of mine
If only for today.
Here below
our sweet office
Is to prepare for the altar
The bread and wine of the Sacrifice
Which brings ‘Heaven’ to earth!”
Is to prepare for the altar
The bread and wine of the Sacrifice
Which brings ‘Heaven’ to earth!”
Friday, February 14, 2014
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
"Little Sisters with Big Hearts" (by Chris Crawford)
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Congratulations to Chris Crawford, a GW Catholic senior, who wrote the following article for National Catholic Register that was published this week:
Little Sisters With Big Hearts
At the Jeanne Jugan Home in Washington, the Little Sisters of the Poor care for the elderly with both quality health care and joy-filled hospitality.by Christopher Crawford
More than 60 years ago, Leonard Donatelli was in search of a job in Washington.
“After World War II, I got off of a bus in a rough section of town,” he told the Register Feb. 5. “I was looking for a job. I knocked on the door of this brick building and said, ‘I’m a tailor. St. Joseph sent me to help you.’”
The brick building belonged to the Little Sisters of the Poor. They had been praying to St. Joseph, asking him to send them a tailor for the home. Donatelli worked and volunteered at the Jeanne Jugan Home, a residency center for the elderly poor, until retiring in 1988. Now 91 years old, he is a resident.
“The sisters walk the talk,” he said. “They really want to help the people. That’s the beautiful part. No matter where you come from, what race or religion, they want to help.”
As the Little Sisters’ homes continue to operate in this spirit, they are involved in a legal battle. The Little Sisters of the Poor and all similarly situated groups, including the Washington home, were granted a Jan. 24 reprieve by the U.S. Supreme Court from having to pay fines as their lawsuit against the federal government’s contraceptive mandate continues. Opening briefs are due Feb. 24 at the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver. The Little Sisters are represented by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty.
A Vocation of Love
At the Jeanne Jugan Home, the Little Sisters’ day begins at 5:30am. The home, named for St. Jeanne Jugan — the founder of their order, who was canonized in 2009 — houses 37 residential rooms and 40 nursing-facility rooms for the elderly poor.
The sisters say a personal meditative prayer at 6am, before praying Morning Prayer together half an hour later. On most days, they spend much of the rest of their day taking care of the elderly in their home. While some sisters are trained to provide medical care, others oversee staff members, provide food for the residents and assist with their everyday needs.
Sister Marie Grace has been with the Little Sisters since 1995. “While working with the St. Joseph Sisters … I was moved by the work of taking care of the elderly. I realized that it was the face of Christ in front of me,” she told the Register. “I felt as though working with the elderly was what God was calling me to do.”
After spending one summer with the Little Sisters, she was invited to join the order. “And the rest is history!” she said with a laugh.
Sister Mary Bernard also followed her vocational path to the Little Sisters. During her early years attending Catholic school, she believed that she was called to the religious life but did not want to teach. In eighth grade, she visited the Little Sisters of the Poor in Cleveland. She fell in love with the work and spent “every free moment” volunteering. After graduating from high school in 1958, her parents gave her permission to join the Little Sisters.
‘Give Them a Home’
A lot has changed at the Little Sisters’ residency centers since Sister Mary Bernard first joined the order. “Back then, they weren’t even health-care facilities; they were just homes for the elderly,” she said. “Our founder’s philosophy was: ‘Give them a home and make them a part of the family.’ And that’s what we did.”
In the ’60s and ’70s, she explained, the Little Sisters’ homes changed dramatically. They became entire health-care facilities, comparable to nursing homes. As a result, the Little Sisters needed to be professionally licensed and employ a much larger staff to keep up with changing regulations. Even today, the Little Sisters’ homes face the same inspections as other nursing homes.
According to Sister Mary Bernard, “Our whole philosophy is: ‘Receive them.’ Give them a home until they die. And we are with them day and night when they are dying, and that is the climax of our mission. It’s gotten much more sophisticated, but through it all, we have tried to keep the spirit of our founder alive. And that is what has allowed us to endure so much.”
Sister Marie Grace agreed, saying that caring for the dying is the “summit” of their vocation.
“We never leave them alone,” she said. “We are there to be with them, pray with them and to keep them comfortable. We need them to know that someone is praying for them. ... You can feel God so present at the end of a person’s life. He is coming for that soul; you can feel him so close.”
Grateful Residents
Many residents are eager to express gratitude for the work of the Little Sisters.
One resident, resting in a wheelchair and barely able to speak, described her stay with the Little Sisters as “heaven on earth.”
Joe, a resident with cerebral palsy, said the sisters provide love even when it isn’t easy.
“They see the love of Christ in people, even when we don’t deserve it. Some of [the residents] are old, cranky and didn’t get much love at home. But the sisters see Christ in us — not that we are worthy. And that makes a big difference.”
The pervasive sense of Christ’s love is what led Sisters Anne and Miriam of the Third Order Secular Carmelite Discalced to move into the Jeanne Jugan Home as residents.
In the late 1990s, during a trip to Washington from their home in New Jersey, they visited the Jeanne Jugan Home to see the sister of a member of their order. They fell in love with the place and filled out paperwork to retire there before they left that day. They moved into the home in 2000.
Sister Miriam emphasized the Little Sisters’ vow of hospitality as the cornerstone of their work.
“We can see that in all they do,” she said. “They exceed that vow. When a sister walks into a room to get something done, five people stop her and ask for help. She helps them all and somehow still remembers why she came into the room in the first place.”
Sister Anne emphasized the quality of care in the home. “There are nurses here 24 hours a day, and we don’t have to worry about doctors. Doctors come here, and if we need to go to the doctor, the sisters bend over backwards to help us.”
Both sisters spoke highly of the activities office in the home.
“There’s always something going on in the café,” Sister Miriam said. “And they do special things throughout the year. Around Christmastime, they used to drive us around the town and bring us to see all the Christmas lights.”
When asked if the activities stand out as the best part of her experience, she said, “Everything stands out. Everything is a whole new part of life at the end of my life. This is a house of the Lord. They are even there when you die. They are doing everything that is in the Gospel. We are all one.”
She added, “We are their vocation. If you are just here for a job, you don’t have that spirit. The sisters have the spirit of those who serve.”
Another appreciative resident at the Jeanne Jugan Home is Cardinal William Baum. The longest-serving cardinal in U.S. history, Cardinal Baum moved into the home in May 2011.
“My relationship with the sisters is excellent,” Cardinal Baum said. “They have remained true and faithful to their founding. They manifest their love for the Lord in everything they do. There is such an atmosphere of peace and joy here.”
Cardinal Baum attributed the joyful atmosphere to the “spirit” of the sisters. “I’ve said it before, and I say it all the time,” he said. “They have a spirit about them that lights up this home. And I think I speak for everyone here when I say that.”
Register correspondent Christopher Crawford writes from Washington.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Homily - "Mercy through Chipotle"
Fundraiser at Roti for the Holy Land pilgrimage
Come support GW Catholics' trip to the Holy Land in May 2014! The fundraiser will be tonight from 6-8pm. Just mention our name at the cash register and we'll receive 25% of the profit. We appreciate your support; hope to see you there!!
Click HERE to listen to Sunday's homily.
Come support GW Catholics' trip to the Holy Land in May 2014! The fundraiser will be tonight from 6-8pm. Just mention our name at the cash register and we'll receive 25% of the profit. We appreciate your support; hope to see you there!!
Click HERE to listen to Sunday's homily.
One of my favorite books in our library is “Modern
Saints” by Ann Ball. We have so many
good books; we try to have the best and most up-to-date resources for you. “Modern Saints” is a collection of short
biographies of modern-day saints. I
picked it up again last week because tonight’s readings refer to light; and,
saints are lights in our modern world.
Jesus says, “you are the light of the world”. This is amazing because…He is the light of
the world! And, yet He gives us that
title, saying to each one of you, “you are the light of the world”. Now, before we let our heads get too big, St.
Paul reminds us in the second reading that it’s not just us…it’s mainly from
God. Christ gave us His light at Baptism…that’s
what the candle your godparents received symbolized. He gave us His light, and has sent us out to
be His light in the world.
Tonight’s readings tell us how to shine our light
brightly. It is through “good deeds”
that will “glorify your heavenly Father”.
From the prophet Isaiah: “share your bread with the hungry…clothe the
naked…satisfy the afflicted”…”then light shall rise for you”. If you know your Catechism, these should all
ring a bell. These sound very much like
the corporal and spiritual works of mercy!
The corporal works are to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty,
visit the sick, etc. (there are seven altogether). The spiritual works are to instruct the ignorant,
counsel the doubtful, comfort the afflicted, etc. (there are seven of those,
too). (By the way, it is said that
priests are to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable; preaching the
Gospel will do that.)
This book, then, is chalked full of the works of
mercy. One of my favorite stories from
it involves St. Vincent Pallotti who was a priest in Italy in the 1800s. He had
a special love for the poor, and he lived simply and humbly, in union with the poor. He reminds us of Pope Francis. Fr. Pallotti hated to waste money, time, or resources.
One day, another priest was throwing away scraps of paper. St Vincent collected
the scraps and sold them for 10 cents. The other priest thought he was nuts.
They both went to a hospital to visit the sick. On the way, St. Vincent purchased
a box of crackers with the 10 cents. At the hospital, there was a patient who
was dying; he was notorious for hating priests. At the very sight of priests,
her would foam at the mouth and yell out obscenities and blasphemies. The two
priest prayed in the chapel of the hospital for him and the other
patients. When Fr. Pallotti arrived at
his bed, he was asleep, so the priest immediately went over to bless him. The
man woke up and opened his mouth to curse him. Fr. Pallotti dropped a cracker in his mouth! As the man chewed the cracker, St Vincent
told him about Jesus and mercy. He finished chewing and was about to start
yelling when St. Vincent dropped another cracker in his mouth. They did this
several times until God finally won. The
man finally broke down and started crying.
He made an Act of Contrition and asked for Confession which he made to
the priest. At the end of it all, he cried
out, “Jesus, have mercy on me”. A short time later, he died.
This was obviously a great example to the other
priest about not wasting anything; even scraps of paper can help save a
soul. To all of us, it’s an example of
creatively living the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. We try to do that at Newman. We just came off of our ski retreat. We have pizza or Chipotle after Sunday Mass…free
Tuesday dinners…white-water rafting retreat.
All of these are ways to open the door to instruct, counsel, comfort,
etc. It’s like the scraps of paper and
the crackers: salvaging the paper and using it to buy crackers was inherently good. And, it opened the door for the man to be
instructed and comforted….and ultimately saved.
We do the same thing…Chipotle is inherently good! And, it opens the door for the spiritual works
of mercy. Those who went on the ski retreat said that they learned spiritual lessons
even while skiing. If they fell, they knew
someone was there to help them back up. “Comfort
the afflicted” might be the way to describe helping those who tried snowboarding
for the first time (and fell often)!
Our mission is primarily to do spiritual works of
mercy…for the salvation of souls. There is such an emphasis on the corporal
works of mercy, and rightly so. We emphasize
both body (corporal) and soul (spiritual).
The corporal works can often lead to the spiritual and to the salvation
of souls, as it did for the dying patient through St. Vincent. Please join us in our mission of performing
both corporal and spiritual works of mercy on this campus.
Finally, the Lord himself will perform a work of
mercy for us tonight in the Eucharist.
He will bestow bread (the Bread of Life, himself) on us who are
spiritually hungry. Mother Teresa said
that spiritual poverty is the greater poverty.
We come to the Lord tonight spiritually poor and ask Him to feed and
enrich us….to give us the Grace to do good deeds, and to shine our light brightly
so that each of us will truly be the light of the world.
Wednesday, February 05, 2014
Pope Francis: thank God for the Eucharist
Pope Francis: Eucharist Encompasses God's Love for Man
The Eucharist, he said, constitutes the source of “the very life of the Church.” Calling to mind the physical signs of the Eucharist, such as the altar, the Holy Father said they resemble a banquet.
“Word and Bread become altogether one in the Mass, as in the Last Supper, when all Jesus’ words, all the signs he made, were condensed into the gesture of breaking the bread and offering the chalice, anticipation of the sacrifice of the Cross, and in those words: “Take and eat, this is my Body … Take and drink, this is my Blood,” the Pope said.
The Holy Father went on to say that the Last Supper was the gesture of thanksgiving from Christ to God for His love and mercy. Noting the meaning of the Greek word for Eucharist means thanksgiving, the Pope said that it encompasses God’s love for man through Jesus’ Death and Resurrection.
Although all the liturgical signs remind one of a banquet, the Holy Father stressed that it is much more than that: it is “the memorial of Jesus’ Passover, the central mystery of salvation.” Thus, the Eucharist is a focal point to God’s action of salvation, while giving us a foretaste of the heavenly banquet with God.
Concluding his catechesis, Pope Francis invited the faithful to thank God for the gift of the Eucharist.
“Let us ask Him then that this Sacrament may continue to keep His presence alive in the Church and mould our communities in charity and communion, according to the heart of the Father.”
Before departing the General Audience, the Holy Father conveyed his solidarity with those suffering the torrential rains in Tuscany and Rome. Both areas have been affected with massive flooding after weeks of rain.
“Let us all pray and we are close to them with our strength, our solidarity and with our love,” he said. (J.A.E.)
Continues Catechesis on the Sacraments During General Audience
VATICAN CITY, February 05, 2014 (Zenit.org) - It continues to rain in Rome but that didn’t stop thousands of people from gathering at St. Peter’s Square for the Holy Father’s weekly General Audience.
Pope Francis continued his catechesis on the Sacraments, focusing on the Eucharist.
“Let us ask Him then that this Sacrament may continue to keep His presence alive in the Church and mould our communities in charity and communion, according to the heart of the Father.”
Tuesday, February 04, 2014
"Too Few People"
Interesting timing of this sad story from Zenit. Monsignor Charles Pope is coming to the Newman Center tonight to speak about Humanae Vitae.
Too Few People
New Report Confirms Decline in Fertility
By Father John Flynn, LC
ROME, February 02, 2014 (Zenit.org) - Recent years have seen a dramatic decline in the number of children being born, according to a new report from the United Nations.
The “World Fertility Report 2012" was published earlier this year by the population division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The data covers the period from 1970 to recent times.
“Fertility has declined worldwide to unprecedented levels since the 1970s,” the report stated. In fact, fertility fell in all but 6 of the 186 countries that the United Nations surveyed.
The trend to lower fertility is accelerating. The report noted that in the most recent period covered, 80 countries or areas had a total fertility below 2.1 children per woman, which is the level required to ensure the replacement of the current population level.
The population division observed that quite a number of countries have “remarkably low total fertility.” There are 20 countries with fertility that is below 1.4 children per women and 38 countries with fertility below 1.6 children per woman.
The report said that in the last decade no European or North American countries had total fertility above 2.2 children per woman and only four (France, Iceland, Ireland and the United States of America) had levels above 2.0 children per woman.
Overall, total fertility was below 1.4 children per woman in about half of the developed
A number of countries have experienced quite dramatic falls in fertility. One mentioned in the report was Iran. From 7.0 children per woman in 1985 by 2006 it had plummeted to 1.9 children per woman.
Not surprisingly the report said that the proportion of governments that considered their fertility levels to be too low rose from 11% in 1976 to 26% in 2011.
Age at marriage
Another significant trend is the rise at the age of marriage. The estimated mean age at marriage for women has increased in 97 of the 99 countries surveyed. The higher age at marriage was particularly notable in countries with a lower fertility rate.
When it comes to men the situation is similar to that of women, with the additional consideration that mostly men marry at an older age compared to women.
The report commented that the mean age at the first birth is an important measure of fertility as it marks the beginning of parenthood with all its social, economic and health implications. It also affects the overall level of fertility, given that the period for childbirth is shortened when the age of a woman at first birth is older.
The United Nations also looked at the number of women who do not have children. In low-fertility countries, levels of childlessness ranged from 3.8% in the Maldives to 23.1% in Singapore. In high-fertility countries, fewer women remain childless, but there were still wide differences, from 0.3% in Sao Tome and Principe to 15.9% in Jordan.
Another notable change is that childbearing is becoming less connected with marriage. According to the report, in 64 countries with data on extra-marital births for the time span covered, the median percentage of births that occurred outside of marriage rose dramatically, from 7.2% in the 1970s to 35.9% in the last decade.
In general Asian countries reported small numbers of births outside marriages, but in other areas there is a high proportion of such births. In the period 2000 to 2011 extra-marital births as a percentage of all births accounted for 80.3% in Colombia and 82.6% in Venezuela.
As well, contraceptive use has risen since the 1970s in nine out of 10 countries with data available. The use of contraception among women aged 15 to 49 who are married or in a union increased in 88% of the 74 countries that the United Nations had information for.
Overall, the median level of contraceptive use was 61.2% in the period 2000 to 2011, and contraceptive prevalence remained below 10.0% in just three countries.
By 2011, the report observed, 93% of governments supported family planning programs and the distribution of contraceptives.
The report raises the question about what will happen if more and more countries experience such low levels of fertility that their populations will decline and economic growth suffers as a consequence.
An article in the latest issue of the journal “Population and Development Review,” (December, 2013) looked at the case of Russia. Tomas Frejka and Sergei Zakharov explained that Russia was one of the first countries to reach below-replacement fertility after World War II.
Since then there have been various government initiatives to encourage more births. In spite of significant additional funding for families: “Russia’s pronatalist policies have failed so far and it is difficult to believe further population decline can be avoided,” the authors concluded.
Perhaps a fate that not a few other countries will experience, along with all the associated negative consequences.
The “World Fertility Report 2012" was published earlier this year by the population division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The data covers the period from 1970 to recent times.
“Fertility has declined worldwide to unprecedented levels since the 1970s,” the report stated. In fact, fertility fell in all but 6 of the 186 countries that the United Nations surveyed.
The trend to lower fertility is accelerating. The report noted that in the most recent period covered, 80 countries or areas had a total fertility below 2.1 children per woman, which is the level required to ensure the replacement of the current population level.
The population division observed that quite a number of countries have “remarkably low total fertility.” There are 20 countries with fertility that is below 1.4 children per women and 38 countries with fertility below 1.6 children per woman.
The report said that in the last decade no European or North American countries had total fertility above 2.2 children per woman and only four (France, Iceland, Ireland and the United States of America) had levels above 2.0 children per woman.
Overall, total fertility was below 1.4 children per woman in about half of the developed
Monday, February 03, 2014
Homily - "Waiting for God"
Click HERE to listen to Sunday's homily.
It's pretty sweet to watch the Super Bowl tonight
together...as a GW Catholic family. When the Redskins played the Broncos
in the Super Bowl in '88, I watched it with my family. The Broncos went
up 10 points on our Redskins in the first quarter. My Dad, brother, and I
got so upset that my Mom and sister had to leave the room! Then, in the 2nd
quarter, the Redskins scored 35 straight points..! That is still a Super Bowl
record. My Mom and sister came back into the room to watch it. We could all be
friends again (!), partying and celebrating a Redskins win, 42-10. But, that
was 26 years ago. It's been over 20 years since Washington was in the Super
Bowl. We keep waiting year after year, hoping to return to glory.
Most of the players in tonight's game have waited their whole lives to play in the Super Bowl. One player has waited his whole career, 15 years. The athletes we most discuss about waiting for years for a few moments of glory are Olympic athletes; we have the Olympics starting up soon. They train, prepare, and wait for years for a few moments of competition...and hopefully glory. With all of these athletes, they train, prepare, and wait for, as St. Paul says, "a perishable crown, but we an imperishable one" (1 Cor 9:25): eternal life.
Two characters from tonight's Gospel on the feast of the Presentation wait and wait and wait for a crown of glory. Simeon and Anna spend years in the Temple waiting for what Malachi prophesied in the first reading: "And suddenly there will come to the temple The Lord whom you seek". They spent years waiting to see God. Simeon was told by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death until he had seen God in the Christ. Anna was 84, and spent all day in the temple praying and waiting. And, then it happened! The Lord came to the temple where they were.
The players in tonight's game have waited and dreamed about this moment...and it's here. Their dreams have come true. Their hope is realized. The glory that they have been seeking and desiring is now here. How much greater is the glory of God! For Simeon and Anna, they experience the awesome glory of God. The promise has been fulfilled. Their hope is realized.
So many people - so many GW Catholics - desperately want to see God...to hear God...to have an experience with God. You have been waiting for a long time for God to come to you. Look to Simeon and Anna. Listen to what you heard tonight: "He is coming". The Lord whom you seek and desire will come to your life, to your heart.
Simeon looked at this little baby who was 40 days out of the womb and said, "my eyes have seen the salvation..a light to be revealed to the nations". His parents were probably thinking, "what are you talking about?" But, we know. Christ is our light and our eyes will see him in a few minutes in the temple / Church...in the Eucharist. We don't have to wait years to see him. He will come to us in a matter of moments.
Most of the players in tonight's game have waited their whole lives to play in the Super Bowl. One player has waited his whole career, 15 years. The athletes we most discuss about waiting for years for a few moments of glory are Olympic athletes; we have the Olympics starting up soon. They train, prepare, and wait for years for a few moments of competition...and hopefully glory. With all of these athletes, they train, prepare, and wait for, as St. Paul says, "a perishable crown, but we an imperishable one" (1 Cor 9:25): eternal life.
Two characters from tonight's Gospel on the feast of the Presentation wait and wait and wait for a crown of glory. Simeon and Anna spend years in the Temple waiting for what Malachi prophesied in the first reading: "And suddenly there will come to the temple The Lord whom you seek". They spent years waiting to see God. Simeon was told by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death until he had seen God in the Christ. Anna was 84, and spent all day in the temple praying and waiting. And, then it happened! The Lord came to the temple where they were.
The players in tonight's game have waited and dreamed about this moment...and it's here. Their dreams have come true. Their hope is realized. The glory that they have been seeking and desiring is now here. How much greater is the glory of God! For Simeon and Anna, they experience the awesome glory of God. The promise has been fulfilled. Their hope is realized.
So many people - so many GW Catholics - desperately want to see God...to hear God...to have an experience with God. You have been waiting for a long time for God to come to you. Look to Simeon and Anna. Listen to what you heard tonight: "He is coming". The Lord whom you seek and desire will come to your life, to your heart.
Simeon looked at this little baby who was 40 days out of the womb and said, "my eyes have seen the salvation..a light to be revealed to the nations". His parents were probably thinking, "what are you talking about?" But, we know. Christ is our light and our eyes will see him in a few minutes in the temple / Church...in the Eucharist. We don't have to wait years to see him. He will come to us in a matter of moments.
At my first Mass, when I consecrated bread and wine
for the first time and elevated the Host, people there said that light came
through the windows of the Church onto the Host in a spectacular way. He
is our light! And, He will come to me and to you...The Lord whom you seek.
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